Buy Domain
- Search your desired premium domain name on our platform.
- If the current owner of your desired premium domain is selling on our platform you should be able to see that domain name in your search result.
- Click the domain name from the search result to see the detailed page of that domain.
- Click “Add to Cart” to buy domains at the given price (applicable for domains with a visible).
- Or click “Add to Quote” to negotiate pricing with the seller and agree on the final price.
- Pay for the domain price through an applicable payment method.
- You can pay in USD (USA Dollar) or BDT (Bangladeshi Taka) by complying with your resident country’s regulations.
Buyer Protection Program
- We verify the domain ownership of a seller before placing them on our marketplace to protect our buyers.
- We do not transfer your paid amount to the seller until your purchased domain name ownership is successfully transferred to you.
Domain Verification
- Once you see a domain (e.g. on our Platform, copy the domain name and paste in a new browser (e.g. Chrome, Edge, Firefox) adding “www” (e.g.
- Press go and check whether the URL directly takes you to a product page on our Platform.
- If that domain doesn’t lead to a page on our Platform, please notify us through the Contact page.